Monday, October 29, 2012

Math at the end of First Quarter

I am joining the math blog hop on Love 2 Learn.

Oh my!  We are off today because of Hurricane Sandy (I keep singing the Bruce Springsteen song in my head).

So, if we ever get to school this week, here is what we will be doing!

Our math journals look just like Kindergarten, Kindergarten! Great blog! Click the picture to go there!


We have been working on making sets, comparing sets, and adding/subtracting sets.  We are using the strategy of listening to the problem, making a picture and then writing the number sentence.  I model before they get their journals.  I try to keep the word problems open ended so that they can try to use whatever numbers they are comfortable with (to challenge themselves if they want to or to take it easy if they need to).  I ask my kids to keep the numbers between 0-10 (just so that they are not drawing all day!).  I want the journal time to be fairly quick.

We learned last week to compare sets.  We started with using = for equal sets.  They are familiar with the equal sign but most of them believe it means "the answer is."  I think this is one reason decomposing numbers (5=4=1) is harder for them than addition with the answer to the far right (4+1=5).  To begin, we made equal sets in our journals.  They drew two circles, drew any number/any picture (pumpkins, bats, circles, squares) in the first set and then made an equal set in the second circle.  Then we share in our circle.  Each child told me: 8 pumpkins equals 8 bats.  I love having them share!  They get to hear the modeling 19 times and actively participate and use the math vocabulary!
We did this a few times.

Then we began to compare sets.  It is in our common core curriculum that the kids be able to compare sets but using the greater than or less than sign is not in the curriculum.  This led our county math office to make our end of the year assessment with some convoluted problems (Put an X on the set that has more. Put a circle around the one that has less.)  I think the < or > is much simpler and the kids love it, so we use it!  Of course, we say it is an alligator who wants to eat the bigger pile!  Then they shared.  The first time around, I had to model saying " is greater than" or "is less than" but then they caught on and did it themselves the next time.  Woohoo!  I remember that being confusing to me as a child and they are all doing it!  Success!

We followed the same procedure with M and M's (pretend ones!) and Kisses (triangles).  More fun, right?

Then we used the M and M's to add and subtract.  We still cross off to show subtraction in our pictures.  It makes sense to them when you subtract with food.  If you have five m and m's and you eat four of them, how many do you have left?  Sadly, only one.  No one believes you will have nine.  I remember the old days where we could use goldfish crackers to teach this.  You might still live in a place that lets you but we are not allowed to use food in the classroom.
Once again, the kids get to choose their own numbers and this allows for differentiation.  My lowest child made three and crossed off one.  My highest child added 8+9.

So, I love journals.  It is basically our lesson, try it, and share it ( quick assessment).

After journals, we have time for one center a day.  My kids are used to choosing during Daily Five reading and I run my math time in the same way.  There are five choices and I go down the class list and ask them what they want to work on (they will eventually get to do all five but I think it is motivating for them to choose for themselves).  I do limit each center to four kids (I have 19 kids this year).

This week the five choices are:

*Computer (I have two desktop computers from the early 2000s in my room).  The kids are working on pattern block pictures (meets the standard about combining shapes to make a new shape).  I have two on each computer, which I love because they talk away about what they are making.  I overheard one little guy saying to my special ed friend: "I'll go first this time.  Oh wait, I went first last time.  It's your turn."  I melted!  Such kindness (and he didn't know I heard him).

* Graphing- roll a dice with color words and fill in the graph until one reaches the top.  When they share, they need to be able to state which has the most, which has the least, how many more blue has than green (for example).

* Roll and color bats- I have two different sheets from Making Learning Fun.  One is for 1-6 and one is 2-12 (so the kids who can subitize 1-6 can work on adding the two dice).

*Roll a pumpkin face  You can make these for almost any theme!

*Roll and put on spider rings.  Eventually all of their fingers have bunches of rings.  Very fun!

********At this point, we are not sure if we will have school on Halloween.  We will probably do these activities for math whenever we make it back in.***********

After they finish their centers, they can do roll and write with dice on the back (the higher kids do roll twice and add the two rolls).

After about 20 minutes, we gather again on the rug and share their work.  It allows the kids to use the math vocabulary, reinforces expectations, and lets me evaluate their understanding. And they love to share and are motivated to finish so they can share.  Such a fabulous time!

Thanks for visiting!  Please consider leaving me a comment or following me!  I love to have visitors!


Cindy said...

Thank you for joining the Blog Hop! I hope you keep posting about Daily 5 for math. I'm interested in reading more about it.

And do join the blog hop again! :) Love to have you!

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